Heaventools Resource Tuner

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Customer Support

Our Customer Support will be happy to assist you with all questions and requests, such as purchase, billing, invoice and licensing inquiries, product updates, etc.

Need quick help? Browse our Customer FAQ section for answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Contact Sales & Customer Support

Fill out the form below and click on 'Send Your Message' to forward your message to our support team. We usually reply to emails requiring a response within one business day.

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A note about privacy: Your email address will never be shared with anyone. Providing your email address gives us the possibility to get back to you if we have problems recreating your bug report — and we can say "thank you" personally.

Email Support

For additional assistance, please contact Customer Support via email.

We welcome your feature requests, suggestions, or comments about Resource Tuner. This helps us focus our time on features people are really interested in.

If you have a question about Resource Tuner, please be as specific as possible about your problem.


See Ordering F.A.Q.
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