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Resource Editor: How To Delete A Resource

1. Select the item you wish to delete (e.g. Cursor) in the Resource Tree view. Press the 'Delete Resource' button on the toolbar or use the hotkey combination [Shift+Ctrl+D].

Select the item to be deleted

2. Items selected for deletion will be indicated by a red marker.

Items selected for deletion are indicated by a red x marker

Rollback Feature: To restore deleted items, use the 'Undelete Resource' button on the toolbar or the hotkey combination [Shift+Ctrl+Z].

Changes are made permanent only after you save them to the file.

3. Once you're done editing, select 'File' 'Save File' or use the [Ctrl+S] combination to save the changes made to the target file.


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Resource Tuner runs on all versions of Windows, including 11, 10, 8, 7, and XP, and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.